
发表于 讨论求助 2018-03-25 10:30:48

Michael K. Meyerhoff,教育学博士

美国悦宝园(Romp n' Roll)咨询委员会成员





The original: 

Someparents become a little uncomfortable when a Romp n’ Roll class ceases“instruction” and transitions into “independent play.”  They seem to feel that allowing theirchildren to just “fool around” on their own has no real value.  Well, if your goal is to help your child bejust like the best in the world then you definitely want to enroll her in aprogram that features nothing but constant, rigid instruction.  But if you want her to be better than thebest you need to recognize the value of independent play.

Iremember back in the late 1970’s tennis star Bjorn Borg won five straightWimbledon titles with a style that featured a lot of baseline play and adevastating two-fisted backhand.  Andsubsequently, everywhere from neighborhood courts to prestigious academies, yousaw children being rigorously and extensively instructed to imitate his style.

Butwho eventually beat Borg and ended his reign? It was John McEnroe whose style featured charging the net with aone-handed slash.  While he obviouslyreceived instruction in the basics of the sport, he also was given plenty ofopportunity to experiment on his own and create a unique approach thatmaximized his particular abilities, suited his individual preferences, andultimately enabled him to be better than the best.

And helping children to be even better than the best is what Romp n’ Roll is allabout.






Educators should always keep a heart 

full of love and responsibility


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